Source code for mascado.utility.plotting

# Copyright 2018 Hannes Riechert at Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy.
# Licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later.  See COPYING for details.

"""Provide some plotting functions useful for distortion solutions."""

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

from mascado.distortions.polynomials import PolyVectorField, Legendre
from mascado.distortions.polyfit import polyfit_svd
import mascado.distortions.analysis as analysis
import mascado.distortions.powerspectrum as psd

[docs]def set_fontsize(small=8, medium=10, bigger=12): """Set font size of ticks, axes labels and titles.""" plt.rc('font', size=medium) # controls default text sizes plt.rc('axes', titlesize=medium) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc('axes', labelsize=medium) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=small) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=small) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('legend', fontsize=medium) # legend fontsize plt.rc('figure', titlesize=bigger) # fontsize of the figure title
[docs]def plot_distortions(ax, positions, distortions, inliers=None, limits=(-1.1, 1.1), positionunits=(1, "normalized"), positionunits2=None, arrowunits="arcsec", keylen=None, keypos=(0.5, 1.04), dotsize=2): """Make arrow plot of distortions. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.Axes The target axes used for plotting. positions : (N, 2)-shaped array The grid of positions in normalised coordinates. distortions : (N, 2)-shaped array The distortions. inliers : (N,)-shaped bool array or None Optional array that masks outliers. `True` for inliers. limits : 2-tuple Lower and upper limit for plot axes in normalised coordinates. Same in x and y direction. positionunits : 2-tuple of (float, str) Scale of normalised units to another unit and the other unit's name. Use e.g. the plate scale and `"arcsec"`. positionunits2 : 2-tuple of (float, str) Like `positionunits` for a second scale, currently unsupported. arrowunits : str The unit name for distortion data, e.g. `"uas"`. keylen : float Length of key for arrows. If set to `None` the RMS value is used. keypos : 2-tuple of floats The position of the key in axes coordinates. If the ``keylen`` is not given and the x component of ``keypos`` inside the axes (0 to 1), a note about the RMS is appended to the key label. dotsize : float Diameter of outlier dots in pt. """ ps = positionunits[0] if inliers is None: inliers = np.full((positions.shape[0],), True) quiver = ax.quiver(positions[inliers, 0] * ps, positions[inliers, 1] * ps, distortions[inliers, 0], distortions[inliers, 1], pivot='middle') ax.scatter(positions[~inliers, 0] * ps, positions[~inliers, 1] * ps, s=dotsize**2, marker='.', color='red') keylabel = None if keylen is None: rmslen = np.sqrt(np.sum(distortions[inliers]**2) / distortions[inliers].size) if np.isclose(rmslen, 0, rtol=1e-11, atol=1e-11): raise ValueError("Distortions too close to zero.") keylen = rmslen * 2 keylen = np.round(keylen, -int(np.floor(np.log10(keylen)))+1) if 0 < keypos[0] < 1: keylabel = r"{:.2g} {:s} = $2\cdot$RMS".format(keylen, arrowunits) if not keylabel: keylabel = r"{:.2g} {:s}".format(keylen, arrowunits) ax.quiverkey(quiver, *keypos, keylen, label=keylabel, labelpos='E', coordinates='axes') ax.set_xlabel("position / {:s}".format(positionunits[1])) ax.set_ylabel("position / {:s}".format(positionunits[1])) if positionunits2: raise NotImplementedError if limits: limits = np.array(limits) * ps ax.set_xlim(*limits) ax.set_ylim(*limits) ax.set_aspect('equal')
[docs]def plot_residuals(fig, positions, residuals, inliers=None, limits=(-1.1, 1.1), positionunits=(1, "normalized"), arrowunits="arcsec", keylen=None, keypos=(1.2, 1.2), dotsize=1, **kwgridspec): """Plot residual map with marginalized distributions. You pass a figure and keyword arguments to matplotlib.GridSpec to define where all five subplots should go. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.Figure Target figure for plotting. positions : (N, 2)-shaped array See `plot_distortions()` for doc. residuals : (N, 2)-shaped array inliers : (N,)-shaped bool array limits : 2-tuple of floats positionunits : 2-tuple of (floats, str) arrowunits : str keylen : float or None keypos : 2-tuple of floats dotsize : float kwgridspec : keyword arguments Use keywords `left`, `right`, `bottom`, `top`, `wspace`, `hspace` to define the position of the subplots. Examples -------- >>> plot_residuals( ... fig, positions, residuals * 1e6, ... positionunits=(posscale, "arcsec"), ... arrowunits="uas", ... left=0.52, right=0.9, bottom=0.52, top=0.9, ... wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) """ ps = positionunits[0] if inliers is None: inliers = np.full((positions.shape[0],), True) gs = GridSpec(3, 3, width_ratios=[1, 4, 1], height_ratios=[1, 4, 1]) gs.update(**kwgridspec) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) plot_distortions(ax, positions, residuals, inliers, limits, positionunits, None, arrowunits, keylen, keypos, dotsize) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', right=True, top=True, labelleft=False, labelbottom=False) ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_ylabel('') axmargxdx = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0], sharey=ax) axmargxdx.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', left=True, right=False, labelleft=True, labelright=False) axmargxdx.scatter(residuals[inliers, 0], positions[inliers, 1] * ps, s=dotsize**2, c='k', alpha=0.2) axmargxdx.set_ylabel("position / {:s}".format(positionunits[1])) axmargxdx.set_xlabel("res/{:s}".format(arrowunits)) axmargxdy = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2], sharey=ax) axmargxdy.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', left=False, right=True, labelleft=False, labelright=True, top=True, bottom=False, labeltop=True, labelbottom=False) axmargxdy.scatter(residuals[inliers, 1], positions[inliers, 1] * ps, s=dotsize**2, c='k', alpha=0.2) axmargydx = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=ax) axmargydx.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', left=True, right=False, labelleft=True, labelright=False, top=True, bottom=False, labeltop=True, labelbottom=False) axmargydx.scatter(positions[inliers, 0] * ps, residuals[inliers, 0], s=dotsize**2, c='k', alpha=0.2) axmargydy = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1], sharex=ax) axmargydy.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', left=False, right=True, labelleft=False, labelright=True, top=False, bottom=True, labeltop=False, labelbottom=True) axmargydy.scatter(positions[inliers, 0] * ps, residuals[inliers, 1], s=dotsize**2, c='k', alpha=0.2) axmargydy.set_xlabel("position / {:s}".format(positionunits[1])) axmargxdx.text(0.3, 1.18, "x", horizontalalignment='center', transform=axmargxdx.transAxes) axmargxdy.text(0.8, -0.2, "y", horizontalalignment='center', transform=axmargxdy.transAxes)
[docs]def make_grid_analysis(fig, positions, distortions, posscale, maxorder, minorder=0, name="distortions", poly=Legendre, maxcondition=1e2): """Run analysis of distortion pattern and display in four panels. The four panels are: 1. Arrow plot of distortion pattern itself. 2. Arrow plot with marginalized distributions of residuals of fit at `maxorder`. 3. RMS residuals over maximum order of polynomials. Maximum order from 1 to `maxorder`. 4. RMS power in each degree of polynomial of fit at `maxorder`. Since an affine transformation was applied to calculate the distortions, the zeroth and first order terms of the polynomial solution are incomplete and are plotted with gray data points. Some information is printed to the console. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Target figure. positions : (N,2)-shaped array Position grid in normalized coordinates, i.e. [-1, 1]. distortions : (N,2)-shaped array Distortions in arcseconds. posscale : float Scale of normalized positions to arcseconds. maxorder : int Maximum order for fits. name : str Name of distortions in plots (eg. ``"drift"`` for distortions difference). Returns ------- vf : :class:`mascado.distortions.polynomials.PolyVectorField` Fitted 2D vector field of ``maxorder``. """ resrms = analysis.analyze_residuals_over_order( positions, distortions, maxorder, poly=poly, minorder=0, maxcondition=maxcondition, info='') print() print("In {:d}. order {:s} fit:".format(maxorder, poly.__name__)) vf = PolyVectorField(poly(maxorder)) params, residuals, _ = polyfit_svd(vf, positions, distortions, maxcondition=maxcondition) vf.set_params(params) modelrms = analysis.analyze_contributions_over_order(vf) # Actual plotting. gs = GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[2, 2], height_ratios=[2, 2]) gs.update(left=0.1, right=0.9, bottom=0.07, top=0.9, wspace=0.25, hspace=0.2) # distortion map ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) plot_distortions( ax1, positions, distortions * 1e3, positionunits=(posscale, "arcsec"), arrowunits="mas") capname = name[:1].upper() + name[1:] fig.text(0.28, 0.94, capname+" pattern", horizontalalignment='center') # residual map of max order fit # (creates its own gridspec) plot_residuals( fig, positions, residuals * 1e6, positionunits=(posscale, "arcsec"), arrowunits="uas", left=0.55, right=0.85, bottom=0.52, top=0.9, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) fig.text(0.72, 0.94, "Residual map of {:d}. order fit".format(maxorder), horizontalalignment='center') # RMS residuals over max order ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) ax3.scatter( resrms.order[resrms.order <= 1], resrms.resrms[resrms.order <= 1] * 1e6, marker='D', color='silver') ax3.scatter( resrms.order[resrms.order > 1], resrms.resrms[resrms.order > 1] * 1e6, marker='D') vmin = 0.6 * np.min(resrms.resrms * 1e6) vmax = 1.4 * np.max(resrms.resrms * 1e6) ax3.set_ylim(vmin, vmax) ax3.set_yscale('log') ax3.set_ylabel("RMS residuals / uas") ax3.set_xlabel("max order of fit") ax3.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) # RMS per individual order of max order fit ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) ax4.scatter( modelrms.order[modelrms.order <= 1], modelrms.modelrms[modelrms.order <= 1] * 1e6, marker='D', color='silver') ax4.scatter( modelrms.order[modelrms.order > 1], modelrms.modelrms[modelrms.order > 1] * 1e6, marker='D') vmin = 0.7 * np.min(modelrms.modelrms * 1e6) vmax = 1.5 * np.max(modelrms.modelrms * 1e6) # cut off for small values, indicate with downward arrow if vmin < 1e-2: vmin = 1e0 vmax = max(vmax, 1e2 * vmin) for o, v in zip(modelrms.order, modelrms.modelrms): if v * 1e6 < vmin: ax4.arrow(o, 2 * vmin, 0, -1*vmin, color='black', width=0.01, head_width=0.1, head_length=0.1, length_includes_head=True) ax4.set_ylim(vmin, vmax) ax4.set_yscale('log') uncapname = name[:1].lower() + name[1:] ax4.set_ylabel("RMS of "+uncapname+" model / uas") ax4.set_xlabel("degree of terms in {:d}. order fit".format(maxorder)) ax4.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) return vf
[docs]def plot_spectrum(ax, spectrum, smin, smax, caption): """Plot power spectrum as image with correct frequency scale. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.Axes Target axes for plotting spectrum : (N, N)-shaped float array Power spectrum smin, smax : float Minimum and maximum values for color map. caption : str Plot title Returns ------- im matplotlib imshow result """ fmin, fmax = -spectrum.shape[0]//2+1, spectrum.shape[0]//2 im = ax.imshow(spectrum.T, origin='lower', cmap='Purples', norm=LogNorm(vmin=smin, vmax=smax), extent=(fmin-0.5, fmax+0.5, fmin-0.5, fmax+0.5)) ax.text(0.5, 1.05, caption, horizontalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax.set_xlabel("spatial frequency [1/FOV]") ax.set_ylabel("spatial frequency [1/FOV]") return im
[docs]def make_psd_analysis(fig, vf, posscale, name="distortions"): """Run analysis of power spectrum of distortion pattern. The figure is filled with four panels and one colorbar. The upper two panels contain the unbinned 2D power spectrum for the x- and y-components of the vector field with logarithmic colorbar. The lower left panel shows the binned power spectra and the lower right panel the cumulative version of the lower left panel. Units on the power are unituitive and not clear. At least to the present me. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Target figure. vf : :class:`mascado.distortions.polynomials.PolyVectorField` Vector field to analyze. posscale : float Scale to convert from normalized coordinates to arcseconds. name : str Meta-name of data. """ print() print("Calculating PSD...") sxx, syy = psd.psd_spectrums(vf, posscale) fx, fy = psd.psd_histogram(sxx), psd.psd_histogram(syy) fxc = psd.psd_histogram_cumulative(sxx) fyc = psd.psd_histogram_cumulative(syy) fxc = ((fxc - fxc[0]) / (fxc[-1] - fxc[0])) fyc = ((fyc - fyc[0]) / (fyc[-1] - fyc[0])) gs = GridSpec(2, 3, width_ratios=[2, 2, 0.2], height_ratios=[2, 2]) gs.update(left=0.08, right=0.92, bottom=0.07, top=0.95, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3) smax = max(np.max(sxx), np.max(syy)) # lower limit: lower limit of spectrum # or at least down to 0.1 or at least 3 decades smin = max(min(0.1, 10**np.floor(np.log10(smax/1.1e2))), min(np.min(sxx), np.min(syy))) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) im = plot_spectrum(ax1, sxx, smin, smax, name[:1].upper() + name[1:] + " x-component") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) im = plot_spectrum(ax2, syy, smin, smax, name[:1].upper() + name[1:] + " y-component") cax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2]) color = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') color.set_label("power") # histogram ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) ax3.plot(fx, '.-', label="x-component") ax3.plot(fy, '.-', label="y-component") ax3.set_xlim(-0.5, fx.size-0.5) ax3.set_ylim(0, max(np.max(fx), np.max(fy))*1.1) ax3.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax3.set_xlabel("spatial frequency [1/FOV]") ax3.set_ylabel("power") ax3.legend(loc='upper right') ax3t = ax3.twiny() ax3t.set_xlim([-0.5/(2*posscale), (fx.size-0.5)/(2*posscale)]) ax3t.set_xlabel("spatial frequency [1/arcsec]", labelpad=5) # cumulative histogram ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1]) def hline(hpos, text): ax4.axhline(hpos, color='gainsboro', zorder=0) ax4.text((fxc.size-0.7)/(2*posscale), hpos-5, text, color='gainsboro', horizontalalignment='right') hline(50, "50% = -3dB loss") hline(75, "25% = -6dB loss") hline(90, "10% = -10dB loss") # hline(99, "1% = -20dB loss") # don't trust this hline(100, "no loss") ax4.plot(np.arange(fxc.size)/(2*posscale), fxc * 100, '.-', label="x-component") ax4.plot(np.arange(fxc.size)/(2*posscale), fyc * 100, '.-', label="y-component") ax4.set_xlim(0, (fxc.size-0.5)/(2*posscale)) ax4.set_ylim(0, 102) ax4.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) ax4.set_xlabel("spatial frequency [1/arcsec]") ax4.set_ylabel("relative cumulative power [%]") ax4.legend(loc='lower right') # critically sampling pinhole spacing ticks = np.arange(fxc.size)[2::4]/(2*posscale) ticklabels = ["{:.3g}".format(0.5/freq) for freq in ticks] ax4t = ax4.twiny() ax4t.set_xticks(list(ticks)+[0]) ax4t.set_xticklabels(ticklabels+[r'$\infty$']) ax4t.set_xlim(0, (fxc.size-0.5)/(2*posscale)) ax4t.set_xlabel("critically sampling pinhole spacing [arcsec]", labelpad=5)