Source code for mascado.distortions.polynomials

# Copyright 2018 Hannes Riechert at Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy.
# Licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later.  See COPYING for details.

"""2D polynomials and vector fields.

Interface follows object oriented paradigm.

Important functions are documented in :class:`Polynomial` and
:class:`PolyVectorField` classes.

Currently supported polynomial types are Cartesian, Legendre, Zernike,
and Chebyshev.

The standard usage to create a vector field is

>>> vf = PolyVectorField(Legendre(3))

set its parameter list

>>> vf.set_params(np.random.randn(vf.paramcount))

and evaluate it on a grid:

>>> grid = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]])
>>> values = vf.model(grid)


from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import binom, factorial

from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval2d, polyvander2d
from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legval2d, legvander2d
from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebval2d, chebvander2d

[docs]class Polynomial (ABC): r"""Polynomials mapping from 2D to 1D. Parameters ---------- degree : int Attributes ---------- degree : int Maximum degree :math:`k` of this polynomial. paramcount : int Number of parameters :math:`m`, calculated as :math:`\binom{k+2}{2}`. Notes ----- A polynomial is build from a 1D basis set :math:`P_i(x)` using the parameters :math:`a_{ij}` like this: .. math:: P(x, y) = \sum_{i=0}^k \sum_{j=0}^i a_{ij} P_j(x) P_{i-j}(y)\,. A flattened parameter list looks like this: .. math:: [a_{00}, a_{01}, a_{02}, ..., a_{0k}, a_{10}, a_{11}, ... a_{k0}]\,. """ def __init__(self, degree): = degree self.paramcount = int(binom(degree+2, 2)) self.params = None
[docs] def set_params(self, params): """Set flat parameters list, e.g. after optimization. Parameters ---------- params : list or array of length m """ self.params = params
[docs] def get_params(self): """Returns internal parameter list or `None` if not set. Returns ------- list or array or None Parameter list of length m. """ return self.params
[docs] def model(self, points): """Evaluate model with internal parameters. Parameters ---------- points : (N,2)-shaped array List of x,y points where to evaluate polynomial. Returns ------- (N,)-shaped array 1D array of values. Raises ------ ValueError If no parameters where set. Use `set_params`. """ if self.params is None: raise ValueError("No internal parameters set.") return self.full_model(points, *self.params)
[docs] @abstractmethod def full_model(self, points, *params): """Evaluate model with given parameters. This is an abstract method and has to be overwritten by subclasses. `model` uses this method with internal parameter list. Parameters ---------- points : (N,2)-shaped array List of x,y points where to evaluate polynomial. params : (m,)-shaped array Flattened list of polynomial parameters. Returns ------- (N,)-shaped array 1D array of values """ NotImplemented
[docs] @abstractmethod def vandermonde(self, points): r"""Calculate Vandermonde matrix for given points. This is an abstract method. Parameters ---------- points : (N,2)-shaped array List of x,y points where to evaluate polynomial. Returns ------- (N,m)-shaped array Vandermonde matrix. N is the number of points, m the number of parameters. Notes ----- The Vandermonde matrix for the points :math:`(x_j, y_j)` is .. math:: V = \begin{bmatrix} P_0(x_1) P_0(y_1) & \cdots & P_k(x_1) P_0(y_1) \\ \vdots & {} & \vdots \\ P_0(x_N) P_0(y_N) & \cdots & P_k(x_N) P_0(y_N) \end{bmatrix} and evaluation with a given parameters is then a simple multiplication .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} P(x_1, y_1) \\ \vdots \\ P(x_N, y_N) \end{bmatrix} = V \cdot \begin{bmatrix} a_0 \\ \vdots \\ a_m \end{bmatrix}\,. """ NotImplemented
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy of this polynomial with same parameter list. Returns ------- Polynomial Copy """ copy = self.__class__( copy.set_params(self.params) return copy
[docs] @abstractmethod def make_single_degree_subpoly(self, degree): """Make new polynomial containing terms of one degree only. This is an abstract method. Parameters ---------- degree : int Returns ------- New instance of same class with some parameters zeroed out. Raises ------ ValueError If no internal parameters where set. """ NotImplemented
[docs]class PolyVectorField: """Polynomial vector field mapping from 2D to 2D. Two polynomials make up the two components of the vector field. Parameters ---------- xpoly : Polynomial ypoly : Polynomial Optional. If left out or set to None, a copy of `xpoly` is used. Attributes ---------- xpoly : Polynomial ypoly : Polynomial paramcount : int Total number of parameters. """ def __init__(self, xpoly, ypoly=None): if ypoly is None: ypoly = xpoly.copy() self.xpoly, self.ypoly = xpoly, ypoly self.paramcount = xpoly.paramcount + ypoly.paramcount
[docs] def get_degree(self): """Return degree of vector field. Raises ------ ValueError If the degree is not the same for both polynomials. """ if != raise ValueError("Different degrees per component.") return
[docs] def set_params(self, params): """Set parameter list for both polynomials. Parameters ---------- params : list Concatenated list of parameters for polynomial in x-direction and then parameters for the y-direction. """ self.xpoly.set_params(params[:self.xpoly.paramcount]) self.ypoly.set_params(params[self.xpoly.paramcount:])
[docs] def get_params(self): """Get internal parameter list. Returns ------- list Parameter list. Returns `None` if one or both of the polynomials has no internal parameters. """ xp = self.xpoly.get_params() yp = self.ypoly.get_params() if xp is None or yp is None: return None else: return list(xp) + list(yp)
[docs] def model(self, points): """Evaluate model with internal parameters. Parameters ---------- points : (N,2)-shaped array x,y points where to evaluate field. Returns ------- (N,2)-shaped array Values at given points. """ assert len(points.shape) == 2 and points.shape[1] == 2 res = np.ndarray(shape=points.shape, dtype=float) res[:, 0] = self.xpoly.model(points) res[:, 1] = self.ypoly.model(points) return res
[docs] def full_model(self, points, *params): """Evaluate model with given parameters. Parameters ---------- points : (N,2)-shaped array x,y points where to evaluate field. params : list Concatenated list of parameters for both polynomials. Returns ------- (N,2)-shaped array Values at given points. """ assert points.shape[1] == 2 res = np.ndarray(shape=points.shape, dtype=float) res[:, 0] = self.xpoly.full_model( points, *params[:self.xpoly.paramcount]) res[:, 1] = self.ypoly.full_model( points, *params[self.xpoly.paramcount:]) return res
[docs] def vandermonde(self, points): r"""Calculate Vandermonde matrix. Parameters ---------- points : (N,2)-shaped array Returns ------- (2N,M)-shaped array Vandermonde matrix. M is the total number of parameters for both polynomials. Notes ----- For a vector field of a x polynomial with Vandermonde matrix :math:`V_x` and a y polynomial with Vandermonde matrix :math:`V_y` the combined matrix is .. math:: V = \begin{bmatrix} V_x & \mathbf{0} \\ \mathbf{0} & V_y \\ \end{bmatrix}\,. """ assert points.shape[1] == 2 n = points.shape[0] pc1, pc2 = self.xpoly.paramcount, self.ypoly.paramcount V = np.zeros((2*n, pc1+pc2)) V[:n, :pc1] = self.xpoly.vandermonde(points) V[n:, pc1:] = self.ypoly.vandermonde(points) # TODO use concatenate return V
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy vector field and polynomials with same parameter lists. Returns ------- :class:`mascado.distortions.polynomials.PolyVectorField` New vector field. """ return PolyVectorField(self.xpoly.copy(), self.ypoly.copy())
[docs] def make_single_degree_subpoly(self, degree): """Make new vector field containing terms of a single degree only. Parameters ---------- degree : int Returns ------- PolyVectorField New vector field of given degree. """ subx = self.xpoly.make_single_degree_subpoly(degree) suby = self.ypoly.make_single_degree_subpoly(degree) return PolyVectorField(subx, suby)
[docs]class CoeffPolynomial (Polynomial): r"""Abstract class for 2D Polynomials representated as coefficient matrix. Parameters ---------- degree : int Maximum degree :math:`k`. Notes ----- A coefficient matrix is a square matrix where rows denote the degree of the x polynomial and columns the degree of the y polynomial. In the simplest case (Cartesian polynomials) :math:`1+3x^2+0.5xy` is represented as .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0.5 & 0 \\ 3 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} The coefficient matrix is an upper left triangular matrix, because ther lower right triangle represents terms of higher degree. """ def __init__(self, degree): super().__init__(degree)
[docs] @staticmethod def upper_left_triangular_mask(degree): """Make mask that covers the upper left trangle of a matrix. Parameters ---------- degree : int Returns ------- (degree+1, degree+1)-shaped bool array """ return np.fliplr(np.triu(np.full((degree+1, degree+1), True)))
[docs] @staticmethod def upper_left_triangular_indices(degree): """ Returns indices you can use to convert a flattened array back to an upper left triangular matrix. Parameters ---------- degree : int Returns ------- 2-tuple of (m,)-shaped arrays Indices to upper left triangle of a (degree+1, degree+1)-matrix. Examples -------- Convert a flattened parameter list to a coefficient matrix: >>> idxs = upper_left_triangular_indices(degree) >>> mat = np.zeros((degree+1, degree+1)) >>> mat[idxs] = paramlist """ mask = CoeffPolynomial.upper_left_triangular_mask(degree) return np.unravel_index(np.where(np.ravel(mask)), (degree+1, degree+1))
[docs] def params_to_coeff(self, params): """Convert parameter list to coefficient matrix.""" ulidxs = CoeffPolynomial.upper_left_triangular_indices( coeff = np.zeros((, coeff[ulidxs] = params return coeff
[docs] def coeff_to_params(self, coeff): """Convert coefficient matrix to parameter list.""" ulmask = CoeffPolynomial.upper_left_triangular_mask( return coeff[ulmask]
[docs] def make_single_degree_subpoly(self, degree): """Concrete implementation.""" if self.params is None: raise ValueError("No internal parameters set.") coeff = self.params_to_coeff(self.params) subcoeff = np.zeros((degree+1, degree+1)) for m in range(degree+1): subcoeff[m, degree-m] = coeff[m, degree-m] subpoly = self.__class__(degree) subpoly.set_params(subpoly.coeff_to_params(subcoeff)) return subpoly
[docs]class Cartesian (CoeffPolynomial): """Concrete implementation of :class:`Polynomial`."""
[docs] def full_model(self, points, *params): """""" return polyval2d(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], self.params_to_coeff(params))
[docs] def vandermonde(self, points): """""" vander = polyvander2d(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], [,]) ulmask = CoeffPolynomial.upper_left_triangular_mask( return vander[:, ulmask.ravel()]
[docs]class Legendre (CoeffPolynomial): """Concrete implementation of :class:`Polynomial`."""
[docs] def full_model(self, points, *params): """""" return legval2d(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], self.params_to_coeff(params))
[docs] def vandermonde(self, points): """""" vander = legvander2d(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], [,]) ulmask = CoeffPolynomial.upper_left_triangular_mask( return vander[:, ulmask.ravel()]
[docs]class Chebyshev (CoeffPolynomial): """Concrete implementation of :class:`Polynomial`."""
[docs] def full_model(self, points, *params): """""" return chebval2d(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], self.params_to_coeff(params))
[docs] def vandermonde(self, points): """""" vander = chebvander2d(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], [,]) ulmask = CoeffPolynomial.upper_left_triangular_mask( return vander[:, ulmask.ravel()]
[docs]class Zernike (CoeffPolynomial): """Zernike polynomials. Concrete implementation of :class:`Polynomial`. Implementation details from *Hedser van Brug (1997):* Efficient Cartesian representation of Zernike polynomials in computer memory. *Proc. SPIE 3190* Parameters ---------- degree : int Attributes ---------- zernikes : list of arrays Precalculated coefficient matrices for single Zernike polynomials. Arranged in the same order as flattened parameter list. Notes ----- Zernike polynomials are defined on the unit circle. """ def __init__(self, degree): super().__init__(degree) self.zernikes = [ self.zernikepoly(i, j) for j in range(degree+1) for i in range(j, degree+1)] assert len(self.zernikes) == self.paramcount
[docs] def zernikepoly(self, n, m): r"""Build Cartesian coefficient matrix for :math:`Z_n^m`. :math:`m,n>=0` and :math:`m<=n`. Returns ------- function(x, y) -> 1D float array Function that takes x and y coordinates and calculates result for given :math:`Z_n^m`. (Wrapped `numpy.polynomials.polynomial.polyval2d()`) """ coeff = np.zeros(shape=(n+1, n+1)) h = n - 2*m if h <= 0: p = 0 q = -h//2 if n % 2 == 0 else (-h-1)//2 else: p = 1 q = h//2-1 if n % 2 == 0 else (h-1)//2 h = abs(h) m = (n - h) // 2 for i in range(q+1): for j in range(m+1): for k in range(m-j+1): factor = 1 if (i+j) % 2 == 0 else -1 factor *= binom(h, 2*i+p) factor *= binom(m-j, k) factor *= factorial(n-j) / (factorial(j) * factorial(m-j) * factorial(n-m-j)) ypow = 2 * (i + k) + p xpow = n - 2 * (i + j + k) - p coeff[xpow, ypow] += factor return lambda x, y: polyval2d(x, y, coeff)
[docs] def full_model(self, points, *params): """""" result = np.zeros(shape=(points.shape[0],)) for i, factor in enumerate(params): result += factor * self.zernikes[i](points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) return result
[docs] def vandermonde(self, points): """""" vander = np.zeros(shape=(points.shape[0], self.paramcount)) for i in range(self.paramcount): vander[:, i] = self.zernikes[i](points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) return vander